Saturday, April 27, 2019


Marriage is a covenant, it’s a commitment, it’s a responsibility and it’s a bond. Marriage is a life time
relationship and habitation until till death. Marriage is not for jokers. It’s not for “boys” or “babies”.
There is a place of preparation before marriage. You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to get
married. If you are not prepared for the challenges of marriage before you say “I do”, it will be a case of
garbage in, garbage out. Jesus said in Mathew 19, that marriage is not for everybody(paraphrased). And
Apostle admonished us in 1 Corith 7, that it’s advisable if one stays unmarried if he has self-
control(paraphrased). This does not mean that Jesus and Paul were against marriage; rather they were
letting us know what marriage is all about. They are making us understand that marriage is a life time
commitment. Once you are married you are married you cannot divorce. And if you must divorce, you
must not remarry until one party dies.
Marriage is a covenant that must not be broken by either party. It’s a covenant that God honours and
place premium on. And this was why he said that he that finds a wife finds good thing and obtains
favour from God. Marriage is so important to God that he joined and blessed the first ever marriage on
earth in the garden of Eden. And he vehemently warned that what he joins together that no man should
put asunder. You cannot go into marriage and later divorce your spouse. God hates divorce. Divorce for
any reason other than adultery is not recognized by God, and the divorced partner becomes guilty of
adultery if he or she remarries. The person he or she marries also becomes guilty of adultery. This is
serious business. God does not take it lightly.
In one of his messages in Mathew 19, his disciples were amazed when they heard his words that “no
man is permitted to put away his wife”. His disciples said, if the case of the man be so with his wife, then
it is not good to marry. But Jesus said unto them, all men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom
it is given. When the disciples heard this, and knowing how horrible it is to divorce, they concluded that
it was better never to marry, otherwise you will be trapped once you get in.
If a lot would be ready to pay the price for their marriage, there wouldn’t be divorce or better put, the
rate of divorce would reduce drastically. Why we have high rate of divorce in our society is because a
lot rush into marriage without an adequate preparation. Some have the mindset that the moment you
have some money, you can go ahead and marry. Money is not marriage and does not guarantee a happy
marriage even though it’s required to run a home. Money has a role it plays in marriage but does not
bring happiness in marriage. Happiness in marriage comes from a mutual understanding of both and
there preference to the things of the spirit. You can be happy in a marriage without extravagant wealth.
And you can have too much money and yet no happiness.
Before you rush into marriage, make out time to learn from those who have been there and are still
there. Ask questions from your parents. For those of you whose parents union have stood the test of
time, ask them to teach you what marriage is all about. Don’t assume you know more than them. They
got the experience and you got nothing. The worst that can happen to anyone seeking to get married is
to go to a divorcee to seek advice. A blind man can never lead a blind a man, both will fall inside a ditch.
Ladies ask your dad questions. Ask him to tell you what a man requires from a woman. When you don’t

have first class information of what a man requires from a woman, learning it most time in the marriage
may be challenging except you will be humble enough to learn and cope with it. Young men should also
ask there mum what a man can do to his wife to make her happy? As minor these questions are, they
can keep a marriage till ages if the answers could be applied. You can have a happy marriage only if you
are ready to make it work.
Make up your mind before you go into marriage. Make up your mind come rain come sun you will
remain in it. Make up your mind that you must make your marriage work. Make up your mind that you
will seek the face of God before you go into it. Make up your mind to read books on marriages from
renowned authors whose marriage has stood a test of time, as you are ready from one now. Make up
your mind that you will attend marriage seminars to learn more.

Don’t rush into marriage because some of your friends are married. Don’t rush into marriage because
someone mocks you. Don’t rush into marriage because you assume that age is no longer on your side.
Don’t rush into marriage because you want to proof to the world that there is no big deal getting
married. Marriage is a deliberate trap to those that are ready to take the challenge. Never you be in a
hurry to get married. God bless you.

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